Hi! I’m Kristi.

I’m A Wayfinder Coach & Web Designer.

I build websites for change-makers who refuse to do cookie-cutter & who aspire to create a better world, and I help humans Wayfind through these batshit-crazy times.

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More about me

Beautiful human! Welcome to my corner of the internet.

Whether you’re here because you’re circle-curious, need a website, or are looking for a coach of the Wayfinder variety, just know that you’ve made my day. And since you’ve clicked through to learn more about me, allow me to get a bit personal…

Demographics and random factoids:

  • I claim membership to the oft-ignored Gen X cohort.

  • I live in Chicago with my comedian partner, his offspring, and a couple of rescue kitties.

  • I find shoes completely unnecessary once it’s 60°F(ish).

Some more random factoids:

  • I’m a 1/3 Reflector with my conscious sun in gate 33.

  • I’m an economist by education…and an anti-capitalist.

  • I’ve hopped freight trains, was once recruited by the CIA, and held a stint as a union spy.

Things that matter to me:

I’m obsessed with elevating our collective consciousness, and everything I offer in some way ties back to that.

More often than not, it’s about helping clients, sisters, and readers remember who they truly are because when they do, they show up differently in the world. When enough of us show up from this place of remembrance, our world will change. I believe this deeply and see it beginning to happen (though the news will tell you otherwise).

My condensed cv:

  • ICF-credentialed and Martha Beck-certified Wayfinder Coach.

  • Holder of an MPA and a BS (haha), plus a ton of post-graduate study in applied economics.

  • Graduate of Standout Squarespace (AFFILIATE LINK!), a fantastic website development training).

  • Completer of trainings in teaching trauma-informed yoga and meditation, facilitating circles, and marketing online businesses.

Okay, that’s all I’ve got.

My clients embody…

In case you dig backstories…

Kristi isn’t a life coach, she’s a lion tamer.

“I considered myself to be allergic to the very prospect of promotion until my coaching session with Kristi. I can only commend her perspective and wisdom. In a world full of ‘influencers’ and ‘content creators’, Kristi Amdahl is the real deal. You will not have a more valuable 90 minutes this year!” [Read the full testimonial.]

-Mads Hennen, author of Escaping the Aventine

A few podcasts I’ve been on


Notable trainings

Wayfinder Life Coach Training, Martha Beck

Certified via Martha Beck, Inc. & credentialed by the International Coaching Federation (ICF)

Becoming the Guide: Facilitator Skills Training, SoulWork

How to Facilitate a Sacred Circle Practice, Center for Transformational Coaching

Circle Leader Training, The Wild Woman Project

Meditation & Pranayama Teacher Training, SoulWork

300-hr Yoga Teacher Training, SoulWork

200-hr Yoga Teacher Training, Nature Yoga & Paul Weitz

Standout Squarespace, Squarestylist & Rache


Master of Public Administration (MPA), University of Montana

Post-Graduate Study in Applied Economics, Montana State University

Bachelor of Science in Economics, Montana State University

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I love connecting with Wayfinder folks of all persuasions! My emails are rad, and I’ll only email you when I have stuff worth sharing. Like reflections and freebies and no-pressure offers.