Wayfinder Coaching

A recalibration for awakening & awakened humans

Click to apply for Wayfinder Coaching

Click to apply for Wayfinder Coaching

Q: How do I survive this fuckery that’s unraveling the world?

A: Bar none, the best answer I have for you is to Wayfind.

Maybe you did all the things that others expected from you. Things like studying something “sensible” in college, saving for retirement as soon as you landed your first “real” job, and making strategic choices around getting married and starting a family.

Or maybe you rebelled. Maybe you dropped out of college to join an Indigenous land rights occupation, got knocked up from breaking up sex, and quit your job because your body told you to (*ahem…).

Either way, life’s unraveling. We’re on a trajectory that’s hell bent on destroying humanity and Mama Earth, and the current uncertainty is mind-boggling. So how do we begin to navigate this new world?

Wayfinding is your ticket.

Your ticket to freedom. Your ticket to navigating the chaos & uncertainty.

If you don’t know who you truly are (most of us don’t), you may be looking at me like I just sprouted a third boob. [Hell, maybe you now think that I’m a boob, which is fair.]

And if you do know who you truly are, you may be thinking:

“That’s freaking lovely…but how TF is Wayfinding going to help now that our institutions are crumbling, massive uncertainty and fascism are taking hold, and everyone expects me to function - to not flake out?!”

Actually, Wayfinding is the most powerful way I know of to navigate uncertainty, upheaval, & other’s expectations.

When we Wayfind, we learn who we are and what matters most to us. We tap into the source of our inner knowing to guide us literally through ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

We stop chasing the dreams that culture prescribes for us and instead chart a path towards our own North Stars, which are always aligned with the collective wellbeing.

We advance towards our destinies with curiosity and courage. We expand our consciousness (sans drugs!). We “find” and live our purpose. Life becomes a playground.

But it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows (at least not always!).

Wayfinding is simple, but it takes extraordinary courage to say “no more,” to set boundaries, and to start taking up some serious space.

Wayfinding has an uncanny way of opening your eyes to the insanity of the world, and once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And yet as you meet challenges head-on, life gets easier. More fulfilling and deeply purpose-driven. Anxiety lessens and in its place, joy and peace begin taking root. Relationships tend to improve or fall away, and new relationships come into being.

Who is Wayfinding for? EVERY. HUMAN. ON. PLANET. EARTH.

Wayfinding involves reclaiming your power, your personal agency. If you aren’t willing to do that, therapy or even venting sessions with your bestie will be a better fit. But if experiencing true freedom resonates, keep reading.

  • You're safe and gentle yet BIG LEAPS happen.

    Sarah Woodard

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Wayfinder Coaching

About this service

Each session is 60 minutes in length and can be treated as either (1) a standalone session to work through whatever’s come up since we last met, or (2) part of a bigger picture objective to create significant change in an area of your life. Additionally, you’ll receive limited support between sessions.

Sample bigger picture objectives

  • “I’m miserable at my job (in my life, etc.), & I’m stuck. Now what?!”

  • “This current fuckery has me itching to ‘step into my power.’ But how?!”

  • “I’m afraid to show up as I truly am.”

  • “Something BIG happened & I can’t go back to the way things once were.”

Who it’s designed for

Humans who are driven to BE the change but struggle to actually embody this change (due to fear of what will happen when they do); humans who know deep down that they’re Wayfinders/members of The Team and want ongoing coaching support; humans who are the proverbial square peg and are done trying to fit themselves into culture’s round hole; humans who are highly sensitive, empathic, and/or neurodivergent and want to embrace these aspects of themselves; humans who’ve freaking HAD IT with “the system” and are ready to “step into their power.”

Pricing & details

Pricing starts at $500/month. As Wayfinding is a lifelong endeavor, I prefer to work with clients long-term. How long term? Since you and your circumstances are unique, I can’t answer that until we’ve hopped on a call. So…

The process begins with you submitting an inquiry where - upon submission - you’ll be redirected to my calendar to schedule a 45-minute call.

You may be wondering…

Client Love ❤

Kristi Amdahl isn't a life coach, she's a lion tamer.

“I had a lion inside, prowling, ferocious, and daunting; I wrote my first novel amid the throes of brutal insomnia, the story very much storm born, and time stamped my state of mind as I explored the complexity of captivity through my main characters. I became a very proud creative parent as soon as I held the finished manuscript in my hands. Mine was a Pandemic baby, and the themes expressed in my prose reflected what I knew resonated with us all, during such a drastic time—but marketing my book? Marketing of any kind?

I felt that I had stumbled into authorhood after publishing my novel and when I faced the reality that I would have to market advertise tell the world about my book? That is when the lion entered the ring, chuffing with intimidating self-doubt and questions like, ‘is my work good enough?’ ‘Can I do this myself?’ ‘How do I even do this?’

The stereotypical lion tamer wields a wooden chair and a cracking, cruel whip. It seems only fair, the lion is bigger, stronger, and deadly! But Kristi leaped into the ring, dismissing the old lion tamer who would have yelled at and whipped the beast with judgment, ridicule, or even shame! Kristi offered not just a hand for the lion made of self-doubt to smell, but an ear. Kristi showed me that my lion was not the king of the savannah, but instead it was an itty bitty kitten that I could—and should—easily scoop up and nurture. My insecurities and resistance weren’t the formidable forces I had built them up to be; with the help of Kristi’s keen clarity, I realized that the mental roadblocks by which I had felt so confined were ones I had built myself, so I can take them down!

I considered myself to be allergic to the very prospect of promotion until my coaching session with Kristi. I can only commend her perspective and wisdom. In a world full of ‘influencers’ and ‘content creators’, Kristi Amdahl is the real deal. You will not have a more valuable 90 minutes this year!”

-Mads Hennen

“I love how when I was honest that what you offered at one point didn't vibe, you kept digging and searching in your tool box for something that would work. You didn't just go "well this is what I do, so..." You were like "okay, let's keep seeing what else we can try." And found a path forward.”

-Sarah Woodard

“My coaching session with Kristi was powerful, beautiful and peaceful. During my coaching session, she guided me to scan my body in a way I never experienced before. Her voice traveled inside my body connecting me with an important emotion I was needing to feel; a stuck childhood trauma that has been extremely heavy and painful in my life. I felt safe with Kristi thanks to her loving and compassionate presence.

Her connection, patience, and safe space allowed me to see and feel how that event has been affecting my life and health. Her voice was a divine guidance inside my body and heart allowing me to create a new healthy story within me. She always brings to my sessions a heart full of compassion and dedication to help me create a positive change. She is a coach with a sweet and loving heart with the power to transform a painful emotion into peace.”

-Ritvika Radha Devi

“Kristi Amdahl is a gem of a healer and teacher... and I cannot recommend her highly enough. I have been going through significant professional trauma, so she did a body scan to help me get in touch with where and how the pain was manifesting in my body. In just a short session, she helped free me of carrying this weight in my lower back, stomach, shoulders, and hips--enabling me to let go and trust that I have the fortitude and strength to move forward. She truly restored my faith in my ability to overcome adversity.

Her compassion, insight, and talents are unmatched. Do yourselves a favor and schedule with her today.”

-Courtney Wennerstrom

“Kristi holds a compassionate space for her clients. She listens deeply, reflects what you explored back to you and she asks for more detail in the spirit of someone who cares deeply and wants the best for you.

She is relatable, grounded in her own spiritual practices and she invites you to explore your own circumstances more deeply. I was able to come away from our sessions with a renewed perspective, a sense of hope and personal agency for making decisions or taking actions moving forward. Kristi is a beacon of light helping to guide you along when there may be darkness, confusion or lack of clarity.”

-Marisa Colón

“After our conversation, I felt lighter and clearer and capable of taking a turtle step. I got out my watercolors immediately and got into such flow that the sun set before I even knew any time had passed. I sketched and painted a card for a friend and I gave it to her today. She absolutely loved it and was shocked to learn I could paint. I’m putting in my praise journal that not only did I create something, I also shared it.

Something new feels unlocked. I spent time today journaling and reflecting. I’m feeling more ready to take on the week than I have in a while.”

-Madi R.

“I am fortunate to be able to get coached by Kristi on multiple issues and situations. Kristi is extremely patient and gentle while guiding me through every single session. I feel completely safe sharing my concerns, questions, and problems with her.

After each and every session, I have walked away with a new insight or more clarity or peace. I truly appreciate her presence and intuitive guidance during coaching sessions. I would recommend working with Kristi if you are interested in getting real results.”

-Nirali Dubal

That’s as far as this page goes…