The blog
A blog update
Please note that the links in these posts and references to programs, etc., may or may not be functional…and that I’m working on getting them updated. #patienceisavirtue
By category
Feeling Triggered? Here's How To "Ride the Wave"
I'm not always all love and light and sometimes shit gets to me. For example, I’m highly sensitive to certain sounds, and noises made "just because" turn me into an irritated stress ball. When this happens, the "flight" part of the "fight or flight" response kicks in, and I'm outta there. I live in a home with young children, so this is something that I contend with regularly.
My Very First Sacred Sister Moon Circle (Circa 2000ish)
I remember a time when my tribe gathered monthly in a sacred moon circle illuminated by candlelight. Sometimes we'd tell stories, other times we'd sing...We entered the sacred American Indian sweat lodge together, and when the heat became too blistering to handle, we prayed harder and harder to Mother Earth…
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