Using Discernment To Help Access Creativity & Flow

A woman shaping clay at a potters wheel

Whatever you're creating, it's not about the thing you're working on. It's about the person you're becoming by creating that thing. The act of creation creates us.

-Martha Beck (Gathering Room, Ep. 150)

​Note: this is repurposed from my 8.14.24 newsletter. If you'd like to receive my newsletter, which also includes my circling and event lineup, please subscribe here.

Theme: About creating...and tuning into your inner truth

I've been in a remarkable state of flow this past week. Maybe it's the planets - Reflectors (Human Design) are super sensitive to transits - or maybe it's something else. But whatever it is, I'm freaking loving it!

In addition to life's usual happenings, I've coached two new sisters, written three blog posts, and soft-launched a ​Sacred Circle Facilitator Training Program​ that I'm beyond excited about and proud of.

Five minutes ago, I got off my monthly call with a dear sister from my 500-hour yoga teacher training days, and something she said stuck with me.

She was inspired by my enthusiasm - more like giddiness - over what I've created, and she shared that she'd had a very different experience as she recently dabbled in creating her own course.

She simply wasn't feeling it.

I know that feeling, and I bet you do, too.

That feeling of trying to force something to come to life that's just not wanting to be birthed. Maybe you're the wrong vehicle, or maybe you're the right vehicle but the timing isn't right, or maybe the lens you're viewing the project through is distorted.

Sometimes it's important that we trudge through the muck - say, when it's our limiting beliefs or thoughts that are blocking us from embodying our greatness. Or, say, when fear paralyzes us.

And sometimes it's important that we regroup...and maybe table or even kill the project all together.

So how do we discern what it is that's ours to do?

We Wayfind.

My favorite way to do this with clients is to have them check in with their bodies. Often a brief but intentional body scan is all that it takes. Other times, I'll throw in some light visualizations.

Actually, I did just that the other day with a sister who'd been seeking clarity on a major life decision for a very long time. She got the clarity that had been alluding her during a 2-minute portion of an off-the-cuff visualization/body scan exercise.

This shit works. And it's freaking powerful!

Now back to my state of flow...

The course I just soft-launched could literally not be more aligned with my North Star. It's a facet of the work that I know deep down is mine to do.

And while it's been incubating within me for well over a year, it wasn't yet ready to be birthed.

It wasn't fear or limiting beliefs that were holding me back (well, maybe a teeny tiny bit of it was!). Rather, it simply needed to grow and develop, without pressure, without force.

And, I needed to let my ego - my self-righteousness over my approach - fully dissipate on its own before I could offer this gift to others from a place of integrity. [More on this next week!]

But once that happened, my body knew. 

Creativity poured through me like it rarely has - this is the intoxicating flow state I'm talking about! - and I'm both beyond proud of my work and am so excited to welcome in a cohort of sisters who are also being called to this work.

That is all.


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